"Determination will get you through anything"

This week the Year 2 classroom has been filled with ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ as we have begun to write our own versions of our focus story ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book?’. It has been an absolute delight to see such determination and enthusiasm from the children as they have put pen to paper and smiled as they have written each creative sentence in their books. I think some stories might contain a little humour and cheekiness, just like the original story! So far the children have written their beginnings and build ups, and from what I have seen in books, I can’t wait to read the finished stories next week. Stories that contain a little mischief definitely capture the imaginations of these Year 2 children!

I have also been blown away by the children’s resilience in mathematics this week, where we have moved onto adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. It has been wonderful to see the children using the concrete apparatus in class so confidently to help them to find their answers.

The children were sad to discover that our Geography learning with Buddy the Bee had come to an end this week, where they had been learning all about the seven continents and the countries within them. The children have stunned me each week with their location knowledge and vocabulary and I have loved hearing all of the different facts that the children know. Don’t forget that an optional home learning task this week is to find out a little more information about Antarctica and to design a flag for the continent.

It was lovely to see so many of you at our mathematics curriculum evening last night. It was such a joy to watch parents and children having fun and learning together - who knew maths could create so many laughs!

We are hurtling unbelievably quickly towards Christmas Year 2. Keep up this amazing focus - I am so very proud of you all!


Nativity parts have been given out to children today. Please can you help your child to learn and rehearse these as we will be starting practises next week. Thank you!

Let’s Celebrate

Millie, you have been such a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon’ during our English sessions this week.  You have thought really carefully about what you would like to happen to the characters in your story and have used excellent vocabulary to make your writing even more exciting for the reader.  I can’t wait to read your finished story.  Well done!

I can’t quite believe just how much you are continually reflecting and improving your work Tabby, from your handwriting to sharing your ideas during lessons.  You truly are making the most of every learning opportunity throughout the day, which hasn’t gone unnoticed in the progress you are making.  Keep working hard Tabby – you are certainly reaping the rewards!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly