It was lovely seeing so many of you at our curriculum evening which was all about maths! I enjoyed sharing our strategies and teaching children some multiplication and division concepts! There is a real buzz around maths in our class. At the moment, we are revising all of our strategies for addition and thinking about the place value of the numbers to help us. This week, we have looked at number bonds, number patterns and families and also bridging.
We have been noticing the good deeds of others this week and had a lovely worship on Monday all about seeking the Kingdom of God. We have a class gratitude box and children have filled it with things they have been thankful for this week. On Thursday, we were very proud of Adam, Lorna-Jane and Finian who delivered a lovely worship about how Jesus cares for us, reading the story of the Lost Sheep….so it has been a real celebration of thanks to God this week. In our RE lessons, we have been thinking about what trust means to us and times when it is a challenge to trust in God.
Science understanding has sky rocketed this week as children learned all about evaporation, condensation and the water cycle. They have written another explanation text all about this. Some of their vocabulary has been amazing. We are collecting vocabulary from our reading books that we like on the class windows!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the learning certificates went to Victor, who has settled in so nicely and tries so hard that he got a Sadie Spider certificate! A Kiki Chameleon certificate went to Lorna-Jane who always puts a lot of thought into all she does - she likes to wonder and use her creativity.
Yoga stars this week, were Harry and Sophie and our Swimming stars were Kaya and Adam. Well done everyone!
Our pantomime is on Friday next week. Children will have lunch at school as normal and should be back at school for 3.30.
Flute concert for parents: Come and see how your children are getting along! They will be performing a Christmas concert in the hall on Monday 9th December at 2.45pm. You are most welcome!
Our Key stage 2 Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. The songs they sing are beautiful
Our Advent masses begin next Friday morning - at 8.00am in school. Please come and join us - it is always such a lovely time.