'You are precious in my eyes' Isaiah 43:4

What a lovely week we have had in Year 3! I must start by saying how proud we were of all the children for their wonderful performance on Tuesday. The children spoke out so confidently and loudly and their acting skills were very impressive, especially as they had so many lines to learn. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you all. What an important message it had too- remembering that we are all different and unique because God made us that way therefore we should all accept and value one another differences, and as Jessica said beautifully on the day as her character Eli ‘and I don’t make mistakes’.

We have had a great week of learning this week, continuing to look at non-chronological reports and the features we need to include once we start our very own next week. In Maths we have been focusing on the commutative law and the whole-part model representation, which the children have grasped excellently. In RE we have looked at The Visitation and focused on the Hail Mary, its meaning and even writing our own version of the prayer. Today we had a visit from Father Peter in preparation of India’s baptism that we will be attending next Wednesday. This is such a special time for India and her family and we feel honoured as a class to be get to be there and be a part of it.

This week Jack, Harriet and Saul delivered a wonderful liturgy in the chapel on how we must help one another- it was so beautiful to see the children praying with such reverence.

It was lovely to see so many of you at our curriculum evening last night and sharing all about how we develop mastery and resilience in Maths during school. There was such a buzz around the school, it was lovely to see!

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Holly for being such a reflective Lizzie Ladybird working so hard to improve your handwriting, spelling and presentation. ,

Stephanie you have been such a Bobby Bee! Showing great enthusiasm and going above and beyond in your learning, doing extra work at home and fully immersing yourself in your learning.

Important Information…

Our Key stage 2 Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. The songs they sing are beautiful

Our Advent masses begin next Friday morning - at 8.00am in school. Please come and join us - it is always such a lovely time.