“Sometimes you have to drop the rake and play in the leaves.” ~ Douglas V’Soske

There’s nothing like a lunchtime of playing games, to take away the chill of the air! We have wrapped up warm, donned hats, gloves and scarves and taken a deep breath as we stepped outside this week. The playground has been visited by a herd of brightly coloured unicorns, tickle monsters and a host of spider men saving the day. On Thursday, we had a mysterious island appear, made out of all things gathered, which had a colony of baby dinosaurs taking up refuge from the cold weather. Not a single nook or cranny was left unoccupied within the playground where they didn’t seek shelter. One baby dinosaur even had a little nibble of one of the children’s fingers, whist mountain climbing across the great wall! Children have danced the can can, played follow the leader and mirror me, all in an attempt to stay warm. For those who wanted to have a few moments to warm up, came and watched a film, played with Play Dough and drew some wonderful pictures. There is one thing for certain, there is never a dull moment to be had on the playground of Our Lady’s!

This week, as you may know, Mr Nay has not been here at lunchtime. The year 6 sports leaders have taken over his role in his absence. What a wonderful group of leaders we have, they have provided an array of sporting activities for the keystage 2 children to sample and have lead so eloquently and fairly throughout the week. Thank you so much year 6, the children have loved every moment they have spent with you and have come back to tell us what a wonderful time they have had.

Table of the Week: KS1, goes to Harcourt this week and KS2 is a draw between Marsden and Plessington. Well done and thank you children for a wonderful atmosphere in the dinner hall this week.

Role Model of the Week: Beth in Reception and Daisy, Year 5. Thank you girls for being so kind and considerate towards those around you.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: Well done to Angel in year 2 and Asher in year 3. You are both so delightful, thank you so much.

Have a wonderful and restful weekend.

God Bless

The Lunchtime team