Learning really is so much fun in Year 6 at the moment…everything has a purpose and the children are completing every task with determination and pride. They want to do the best that they can do!
This week in class we have continued our Tudor Topic, ready for our trip to Samlesbury Hall next Thursday. The children have been looking at the highs and lows of Catherine of Aragon’s life and graphing it. It is a powerful task, the children really see the impact of her marriage to Henry. We have been using photo manipulation software on the iPads to turn ourselves into Tudor kings and queens. The children looked at the detail in the images and then used the iPad pens to transfer that detail onto the iPads. Why not pop into class and come and have a look at all of our artwork?
The children have really enjoyed the biography unit that we have been completing in class and this week we have completed Outcome 2 - a biography all about Charles Darwin. The children have kept their homework books in class this week so that they can use the facts that they researched within their biography. I think they may need to write an autobiography! Science has continued to explore Darwin’s theories of evolution, fitting in beautifully with our biography unit. This week we have explored vocabulary linked to the topic to get a real handle on it.
In the run up to Christmas, it is so important for the children and ourselves to think beyond what we have and what we want. We have thought about all the times that we have said, “That is not fair!” this week. Mrs Webster segregated the children randomly using lollisticks in class. One group went on the computers and had lots of fun, whilst the other group had to sit their in silence. Whilst this of course, “Is not fair!” it illustrated beautifully the issue that lots of people in the world are segregated, vulnerable or oppressed through no fault of their own. It really made the children think deeply about our world. Next week, the children will be having a visit from Amnesty International to talk to them about their work. Definitely a time to stop and think.
Learning Awards - another great week of learning in Year 6…for everyone. The sense of determination and focus is spine-tingling good!
Our focused learner this week is Baxter. A really focused and consistent half term! Baxter has been focused and consistent in every single lesson and he is really determined to do his best. This focus is resulting in some beautifully presented work. Baxter asks questions in class to really take his learning forward. Your sense of pride this half term has been fantastic and we are so very proud of you too!
Our reflective learner this week is Evie C. Again, another really positive and consistent half term! Because of this, the standard of Evie’s work is fantastic - I love marking her work! Evie is making conscious decisions about her work, she knows that the effort that she puts in will only improve her work. Well done Evie - what a great half term you are having.
Have a really lovely weekend together. We have been learning a Tudor dance ready for the trip and hope to perform it in the grand hall.
Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster.