“Enthusiasm moves the world.”

It’s been another busy week of learning in Year 1! I’ve been so proud of the children who haven’t been feeling 100% but have been full of enthusiasm for learning nonetheless. I’d also like to say a big thank you to the children; over the past week I have been really struggling with my voice. The children have been so patient, considerate and caring.

This week we have been writing the story of Supertato, using the story map. The children have been retelling the story with buckets of energy and smiles - they really have LOVED this focus story. The story map links directly to our home learning, please see the home learning page for all the details.

In maths, we have been learning all about 3-D shapes. The children loved sorting the shapes into groups, dependent on their properties. Can the children spot any shapes over the weekend? We have been looking at cubes, spheres, cuboids, pyramids, cones and cylinders. Next week we will be learning about 2-D shapes (circles, triangles, squares and rectangles).

In RE this week, the children have been reflecting on Mary and why she is so special to us. The children have learned that Mary is our mother too; she loves and cares for us, just like our own mummy’s. The children have shared some heart warming examples of the lovely things their mummy’s do, to show that they care. Please ask the children to share what they wrote about - it will make you feel warm and fuzzy!

Class Tiger

This week the Tiger has chosen to come home with Isaac. Isaac the Tiger has been blown away by your enthusiasm for learning your word sets. The Tiger especially likes how you use every moment of valuable reading time to practise! Well done Isaac!

Let’s celebrate

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a considerate learner. Pippa, everyday you are a role model to your classmates; you listen to others ideas and are always so supportive of your learning partner too. Thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn. Your little acts of kindness do not go unnoticed, well done Pippa!

Focused Cooper Crab - For concentrating so hard on your writing. Cora you have made so much progress with your independent writing. Your super focus means that you are getting all of your brilliant ideas down on paper and you even have time to check your work too! Keep up the amazing concentration Cora, I am so proud of you! Give yourself a pat on the back!  


  • A friendly reminder for any borrowed clothes to be returned to school; a lot of knickers and spare PE clothes have not been returned. If your child sometimes has wet accidents, please can you ensure that they have a change of clothes, wipes and a plastic bag with them at school, at all times.

  • Yoga has now finished for the Autumn term. Please can children be dressed for outdoor PE on a Thursday and indoor PE on a Friday.

  • On Friday 13th December the children are all invited to wear silly socks and a festive jumper. Year 5 have organised this day to raise money for Brian House - a wonderful, local charity. We have already raised money from the pyjama day and Year 5 are full of hope that we can raise £1,000! Donations of £1 would be gratefully appreciated.