Another lovely week has passed again in Year 3. The highlight of the week had to be on Wednesday, when we joined a member of our class and her family at the very special occasion of her Baptism. The mass was beautiful and the children loved every minute of welcoming another member to our Christian Family. Afterwards the conversation that was had in the classroom was wonderful, as I could see all that we had learnt about this sacrament and its symbols from the previous half term- well done Year 3 and thank you for being so supportive and reverent.
Lots of learning has also taken place this week, continuing our focus on addition in Maths, especially looking at number bonds. Each day this week we have worked together to produced a paragraph towards our non-chronological report on the Thunder Dragon and then the children have then used this structure to write their own paragraph on the Sun-Blazer Dragon. It has been lovely to see how the children have used their creativity but also following a structure that works to help plan and format their own ideas and writing. The outcome has been very impressive- I can’t wait to see what they produce next week in their independent piece. In RE we have been pulling apart the prayer ‘The Hail Mary’ and learning about the meaning of each of the words and then the incarnation, focusing on how Jesus is both divine and human- the children’s depth of comments never cease to amaze us.
The awards this week go to …
Thank you Esme for your much improved focus in class, immersing yourself in your reading and offering in depth comments in RE.
Saul you have been such a Kiki Chameleon- well done for showing your creativity in your writing!
Important Information…
A gentle reminder that children please need a snack for the morning, as it is a long morning before lunch time. Could I also make a plea for HEALTHY snacks please- no chocolate or crisps. If you need some inspiration or ideas for healthy snacks please go to our discover page, under the section ‘daily things to remember’.
Our Key stage 2 Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. The songs they sing are beautiful
Our Advent masses are every Friday morning - at 8.00am in school. Please come and join us - it is always such a lovely time.
Friday 13th December is Christmas jumper and/ or silly sock day! This is a Year 5 initiative, who are aiming to try and raise as close to the £1000 mark as we can for Brian House!
Party day Wednesday 18th December. Drink (not fizzy) and fun snack (chocolate or crisps)- PARTY CLOTHES- sensible shoes for serious dancing!