Christmas counts for everyone!

I am so proud of all of the children for their fantastic nativity performances. They were all enthusiastic Bobby Bee’s, in every performance. Thank you so much to everyone who came to watch them, the children loved seeing your smiley faces in the audience.

Last week, the children independently wrote their own Supertato stories, with their own hero and villain. I was jumping for joy when I marked them; the children’s progress since starting in September is wonderful to see. They should all be SO proud of themselves for applying all of their learning in one go! I’m so excited to start our new English topic next year!

This week we have begun learning cursive handwriting. The children have been so enthusiastic about this and have commented how grown up they feel. We have been practising ‘over and back round’ letters so far. The children have got some of these to practise for this week’s home learning.

We have begun our new history topic of The Royal Family. The children were super historical detectives and asked so many wondering questions about historical objects. I was so impressed that they all remembered to use a question mark, when writing their questions down. When looking at a picture of an orb, one of the children asked ‘What is the golden sphere?’; we have been learning all about 3-D shapes so this made me very happy. Next week is HISTORY WEEK, in year 1! So please do ask the children what they have been learning about each day!

Class Tiger

This week the Tiger has chosen to visit Arthur’s house. The Tiger was so impressed with your Supertato story and how kind you have been this week. Remember to keep on eye on the greedy Tiger; I’d hide any chocolate advent calendars if I were you!

Let’s celebrate

Brave Tommy Turtle - For taking on an extra role in the school Nativity. Millie, I was so impressed with how keen you were to present baby Jesus to Mary and Joseph. We had no time to practise and I could not have asked for a more beautiful and angelic performance. You have also been so eager to have a go at bar models this week in Maths. I am so proud of your willingness to challenge yourself! Well done Millie!

Curious Clara Clownfish -  For being such a curious learner this week. Cora, you have thought so deeply in History and have asked so many intriguing questions. I loved how you noticed a cross, on a photo of the crown jewels and thought whoever it belonged to must have faith. Well done for being so inquisitive Cora!


  • CAFOD If you would like to make a donation to CAFOD, please bring in your donations before Wednesday next week. We can then sit down as a class and choose what World gifts we will buy. Thank you so much for those who have already made donations.

  • Christmas Party On Thursday we have our infant Christmas party. Children can come into school wearing their favourite party clothes (please make sure they have shoes that are suitable for play times outside). As a treat, the children are allowed to bring in one still drink and one snack, such as; juice or a milkshake, a chocolate bar, biscuit bar or crisps.

  • Children in Marsden house may come dressed wearing green, next Friday.

  • School will end at 2pm next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

Miss Lane and Miss Woodrow