"Rise above oneself and grasp the world!" Archimedes

Ask you can see from the pictures on our blog that we have been busy in science! We have explored simple machines and how they give us “mechanical advantage”. We discovered that mathematician Archimedes, an ancient Greek, discovered how levers and pulleys could be used to help us lift heavy loads with less effort- “Eureka!!!”. On Tuesday we constructed simple pulley systems in class - we discovered that a movable pulley halved the effort required to lift a mass. Rhys watched his force meter carefully and exclaimed “It’s a miracle!” the children loved it! Later in the week we explored levers which can use a fulcrum to help lift heavy objects. When the children came into class on Thursday there was a wheelbarrow at the front full of tools, these included: fork, spade hammer, pincers, pliers a crowbar and a lever mop bucket. We watched a film all about Archimedes and levers and then Mrs Hotchkiss demonstrated his theory using these very simple machines. Because the the objects were sharp, Mrs Hotchkiss demonstrated while the children worked in twos to video the simple machines in action. After this, the children worked in pairs to plan a factual book all about levers in their computing books, then using the i-pads the children began to design and write their books inserting video and pictures to support their scientific writing.

Our Christmas concert is ready to go, it didn’t take us long to pull everything together down at church this week. The children sing with joy and passion and it will be a big treat to watch next week! We are trying to get to the end of our class novel and when we do we will let you know how it all ended and in maths we solved some tricky addition and subtraction problems. Frankie, Zofia and Oliver shared a beautiful worship with us on Thursday- thank you- all in all a super busy but exciting week!


Grow your brain certificates: Dylan, Gabriel and Isabella

Reminders for next week:

Christmas concert on Tuesday 17th at 2pm and 6:30pm at church. Please drop your child off and come in at 6:15pm

Wednesday Christmas Party- Party clothes (dancing shoes trainers are best!!). You may bring in a treat for example, a chocolate bar or packet of crisps. Please bring a drink too this can be flavoured but not fizzy. We have great fun at the party - I’ll post pictures!

Friday 2pm finish