‘Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.’

What a fantastic start to they year we have had in year 1! It was so wonderful to open the door to 30 smiley faces on Monday morning. The children have all returned bright eyed and ready to learn and this week we have learned LOADS!

We have begun our new English topic…monsters! We went on a Gruffalo walk in the deep dark wood and the children helped to tell the story, by getting into the role of the different characters. The children then wrote some fantastic descriptions of the fox, owl and snake. I was so impressed with all of the brilliant adjectives they used and the descriptions they came up with. I cannot wait to continue with this learning next week, when the children will be creating their very own monster and writing about it!

In Maths, the learning has been jam packed; the children have worked so hard doing addition and subtraction within 10. Next week we will be moving on to 20. Over the weekend, please practise saying the numbers 0-20 (starting at different numbers), forwards and backwards.

This half-term we will be focusing on the virtues, curious and active. We will be growing to be curious about everything and active in changing the world for the better. This week the children have been thinking deeply about what they are curious about. The children came up with some though provoking questions such as, ‘what does heaven look like?’ and ‘did God make the clouds?’. Please continue to spark this curiosity at home by searching for God in all things.

Class Tiger

This week the Tiger has chosen to come home with Erin. Erin, the Tiger has been so impressed with your focus this week. You have come into the classroom so calmly after break times and sat on the carpet, ready to learn. Well done Erin, the Tiger can’t wait to come and stay with you!

Let’s celebrate

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a considerate learner. Rose, I have spotted so many acts of kindness from you this week. You are so thoughtful towards your class mates and are always ready to make sure that someone is okay. Thank you for making the other children in year 1 feel so loved Rose.

Determined Sadie Spider - For being so resilient during maths lessons. Theo, you have been so determined with your maths learning this week. You have not given up and have been so resilient when tackling challenging questions. You have also shared lots of ideas during class discussion, which is BRILLIANT!  I am so proud of how eager you have been to grow your brain! Well done Theo!


  • PE kit to be worn on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note that the children should wear a full tracksuit, as per the school’s uniform policy - not just shorts. Children are to wear their shorts for Yoga on a Wednesday and indoor PE on a Friday. I suggest that children wear their shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms, so that they can easily change.

On behalf of the year 1 team thank you so much for the thoughtful Christmas gifts. They were all incredibly heart warming and kind.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley