"What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year"

Happy New Year and welcome back to the new term in Year 2! It was wonderful to welcome the children back into school on Monday morning and to hear all about the exciting things the children got up to over the Christmas holidays - Father Christmas was certainly very busy! After welcoming each other back, it was then time to get straight back into our learning. The children have been full of enthusiasm this week as we have moved onto new topics of learning across different subjects.

During maths we have begun to look at multiplication and have built on the knowledge already learned in Year 1. The children are superb at making equal groups using different jottings and pieces of equipment and can use their addition skills from last term to calculate the total amount. They are very much looking forward to using the multiplication sign in their calculations next week.

We have also looked closely at this half term’s new school virtues - ‘curiosity and active’. We thought deeply about how these characteristics can help us to grow closer to God and what we can change in our lives today in order to help us to do this. The children all set themselves a little personal target of what they would like to achieve this half term, which we will then review at the end of the term.

It was lovely to go to church as a whole school community this morning as Fr Peter welcomed us all back to school. The children showed such reverence and stillness throughout mass which allowed them all to spend some quality time in the presence of the Lord. Thank you Year 2.


PE days have returned to the normal days of Monday (outdoor), Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (yoga), so please do ensure that your child has their kits with them on these days. If coming to school in their PE kits, children must wear tracksuit bottoms throughout the day and will change into their shorts before indoor sessions and yoga. Shorts can be worn underneath tracksuit bottoms to make changing quicker and easier. Due to safety reasons and using different PE apparatus, children who do not bring PE shorts to school with them will unfortunately be unable to participate in indoor PE sessions.

Mrs Curtis has asked for long carboard tubes to be brought in for next week’s art lessons. These could be wrapping paper tubes or kitchen roll tubes for example. She has asked for no toilet roll tubes please. Thank you in advance.

Let’s Celebrate

Owen, you have returned to school after the holidays with such a positive attitude towards both your learning and school life.  You have been putting your hand up in every lesson and have shared such wonderful ideas with your friends.  You have shown that you can come in from playtimes and get straight back to focused learning and you have learned so much because of this.  Well done!

Thank you for coming back to school with a much more focused head on your shoulders Leon.  You have listened much more carefully during lessons and have helped the children around you to stay focused and on task too.  You have shown that you can be such a ‘Cooper Crab’ when you put your mind to it.  Keep it up!

Well done Year 2, what a wonderful start the new year!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly