Happy Half Term!

What a busy week we have had in year 1! We have continued our learning about materials this week and learned how to identify an object, the material(s) it is made from and it’s physical properties. We also read an eye opening book, called ‘A Planet full of Plastic’. The children learned all about how plastic is fantastic, but it is not biodegradable. This learning links to the children’s home learning, please see the home learning post for further information.

In maths, the children have learned how to subtract using the most suitable strategy. These strategies include, taking away, partitioning and finding the difference. I have attached a document showing examples of these methods. Please ask your child to explain these methods to you, to consolidate their learning.

On Tuesday, we had Online Safety Day. The children learned all about how they can express their unique identity online, in a safe way. The digital leaders, from year 6 joined us in the classroom and the children made brilliant posters to show how they can be a role model online.

On Thursday we were joined in school by the paralympian, Craig Mccann. The children gathered in the hall with year 2, to do some fast paced exercises to music. The children did brilliantly and were so supportive of their class mates. Following that, Craig shared his inspiring story in an assembly. The children have all made a promise to say yes to new opportunities and give their best effort to everything that they do. Thank you so much for sponsoring the children, your generosity is very much appreciated!

Thank you so much for sending baptism photos in, we had so much fun playing ‘guess the baby’. It was lovely to hear the children talking about their own baptism and referring to baptism symbols e.g. font and holy water.

Star of the Day

Every day I will be picking a star of the day! The star of the day will be someone who has shone Jesus’ light in our classroom and been a kind, resilient and focused learner. As I only pick one star of the day, these children should be very proud of themselves! This week the stars of the day have been: Natasha, Riley, Cora, Michael and Bella .

Class Tiger

The Tiger will be going home with Miss Lane over the half term, to have a lovely swim in the washing machine (tiger’s love swimming) and no doubt a raid of the kitchen cupboards.

Let’s celebrate

Brave Tommy Turtle -  For really ‘having a go’, this half term. Niamh, at the beginning of the term I challenged you to be a brave learner and to share your brilliant ideas in class discussions. You have truly grown  in confidence this half term and it is wonderful to see you ‘going for it’ in your work too. I am so proud of how much effort you have put into your learning and how you have helped other people along the way too. Well done you, Niamh!

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a role model to your class mates. Sophia, you are such a kind and sensible girl. When you sit on the carpet, ready to learn, your positive attitude to learning motivates the rest of the class. Your brilliant sitting and listening means that I can give out lots and lots of learning. I am not surprised you have been Star of the Day, more than once, in such a short space of time! Well done you!


  • PE kit to be worn on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note that the children should wear a full tracksuit, as per the school’s uniform policy - not just shorts. Children are to wear their shorts for Yoga on a Wednesday and indoor PE on a Friday. I suggest that children wear their shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms, so that they can easily change.

The children have worked so hard this half term; I am so proud of how much effort they have put into their learning. Have a lovely, family-filled half term break,

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley