Time to take a break!

Half term already, it’s hard to believe!

I am sure you will agree that since Christmas the children’s learning has soared. We have learnt so much about our solar system we could rival Professor Brian Cox! It sparked a fascination in the children to keep finding out more and more. Learning knows no bounds!

Likewise, our understanding of number has progressed to the point we are now solving quite complex mathematical problems. We plan to continuing our ‘maths mastery’ journey after the half term.

The children have started to use their knowledge of letter sounds (thanks to Read, Write Inc.) to both write their names and to try and spell out three letter words. We are truly amazed at everyone’s thirst for learning.

As always, we are very grateful for the support you give your child and nursery. Working together really does make a difference.

Finally, may I remind everyone that parents’ evening is Wednesday 11th March and the appointment booking form will be available when we return after the holidays.

I hope you all manage to have a restful half term, full of family fun!!