‘The heart that gives, gathers.’

The children have returned to school full of enthusiasm and excitement for learning. There is already so much to celebrate and we’ve only been back 5 days! Firstly, we are very lucky, as Jacob has joined our year 1 family. The children have made me so proud; their kindness towards a new member of the class has been so heart warming. We are so happy to have you learning with us, Jacob. We are very sad that Natasha will not be returning to our class, we will miss her so much, but we are so excited for her new adventure! Thank you so much for bringing so much happiness to our classroom, Natasha. We know that you will continue to spread joy in your new class.

This week we have begun our new history topic, learning about the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. We looked at different historical sources including, photos, newspaper reports and a postage stamp, to answer the question: ‘How do we know man went to the moon?’. We have continued our space theme in dance where we are learning a space dance routine. The children are already loving this topic which is brilliant to see!

In English, we have been learning all about the author and illustrator, Debi Gliori. As a class we created a web page for her website, telling the reader all about her. I am so excited, as next week we will be learning all about one of my favourite authors, Beatrix Potter!

As a school, we will be growing to be grateful and generous this half term. This fits perfectly with Lent; the children will be learning all about how they can be generous with their time, words and actions and grateful for the gifts that God has given them. On Ash Wednesday we went to church to celebrate the beginning of Lent. The children were beautifully behaved in church and were brilliant role models for the school. In the spirit of Lent, we will have an Almsgiving Box in class, where we will be raising money for CAFOD. The teachers will be setting the children in school Almsgiving challenges, to do at home, for a small donation. This week Year 1 have been tasked to help with the washing up for 20p. Your support is greatly appreciated.

I was blown away by the effort the children had put in to their plastic home learning. During Show and Tell, the children all shared their learning with the rest of the class and were so wise with the ideas they were sharing on how we can take care of God’s beautiful world. We all learned loads!

Star of the Day

Every day I will be picking a star of the day! The star of the day will be someone who has shone Jesus’ light in our classroom and been a kind, resilient and focused learner. As I only pick one star of the day, these children should be very proud of themselves! This week the stars of the day have been: Rose, Riley, Cora, Ola and Luke.

Class Tiger

The Tiger has chosen to go home with Sophia this week. Sophia, the Tiger has been watching you all week and has been so proud of your positive learning attitude. He cannot wait to come home with you! Well done Sophia!

Kindness Pot

This week year 1 got 20 pom poms in the kindness pot. This is a wonderful start to term! I wonder if next week I can spot even more acts of kindness.

Let’s celebrate

Determined Sadie Spider -  For being so resilient during maths lessons! Faye, you have been putting your hand up non-stop during maths lessons and I LOVE it! You have also shown how resilient you are when I have challenged your thinking, with a tricky question. You have not given up, but have instead given yourself time to think and work out the answer all on your own. I am so proud of you Faye

Curious Clara Clownfish -  For being such an inquisitive learner. Arthur, you have been asking brilliant questions this week and have got the whole class to think really deeply. I was so impressed when you explained what Jesus meant by ‘fishing for people’  and how you used what you already know to understand it. Well done Arthur, I am super-duper proud of you


  • World Book Day - Many children have been asking if we are dressing up for World Book Day this year. As a school we recognise that sometimes finding and creating a costume can be demanding for families, and so we choose to celebrate this event every two years. As we dressed up last year, we will not be dressing up this year but will be completing book related activities in class.

  • The book fair is coming to school and will be open from 3:30pm on Thursday 5th March, Friday 6th March and Monday 9th March.

  • PE kit to be worn on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note that the children should wear a full tracksuit, as per the school’s uniform policy - not just shorts. Children are to wear their shorts for Yoga on a Wednesday and indoor PE on a Friday. I suggest that children wear their shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms, so that they can easily change.

  • Please can girls’ wear their hair tied up for school.

  • Thank you so much for everyone who has brought in spare undies, your support is greatly appreciated!

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley