When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears, oh what did her blue eyes see?

Welcome back! I trust everyone has had a restful week and are raring to go?

We started this with great enthusiasm as we started exploring traditional stories. The children decided Goldilocks and the Three Bears would be a good place to begin our journey. We read the story and thought of a plan.

Everyone said that the bears liked porridge and we should make some at nursery. One friend suggested that as Goldilocks made lots of bad choice we shouldn’t allow her into nursery. The children then made signs for the door saying 'No Goldilocks allowed’!

Other ideas ranged from making honey sandwiches for a teddy’s bears picnic to putting a video in the tree house to make sure Goldilocks didn’t come into nursery when we weren’t here. Watch this space……..more news on this to follow!

Next week we will be following all the children’s ideas to see which direction they take our learning in. It’s all very exciting!

Don’t forget Lenten Mass will begin next Friday at 8 am in the school hall. Please come along and join us.

Finally, a reminder that the Book Fair will be in the school hall (after school) on Thursday 5th March, Friday 6th March and again on Monday 9th March. Try and pop in.