'When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.'

Despite not having all of our friends in year 1 this week, we have had a brilliant week of learning! In maths we have been learning all about measure. We have been using rulers to measure length and have even been weighing different objects using the scales. The children have been using the terminology of: longer, shorter, heavier and lighter to describe what they notice.

In english, we have continued our learning about Peter Rabbit and we have learned a Peter Rabbit Poem off by heart! We then went on to watch Peter Rabbit and The Tale of The Radish Robber and learned a story map of this epic adventure. I am sad that our Peter Rabbit learning has been cut short; the children have loved this focus story and I have no doubt they would have produced some brilliant writing at the end of the unit. I am planning to continue this Peter Rabbit theme through the children’s home learning.

From Monday I will be uploading to the Home Learning page every day with learning challenges for the children. The children have been given some exercise books to complete this learning in: a maths book, a lined book and a project book. When we do return to school, the children will be sharing these books with a learning partner. We will be looking for evidence of the learning characters in these books, so please do take care of them. I would love to see what the children are getting up to, so please send me photos and little updates. I will not need to mark each piece of work set but I will let you know if I want something to be emailed to me. The children who have been in school today have come home with a Sunflower Diary and a pot containing sunflower seeds. This has been a last minute idea, so I apologise that these were not ready for those who have already collected their learning books. I will upload a pdf of the sunflower diary to Monday’s blog. If you can get hold of some sunflower seeds (or any other seeds) yourself that would be wonderful. If not, please let me know and I will sort something out.

Please contact me on my email: e.lane@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk. I am here to help and support you in any way that I can. However, please do bear in mind that I may be working from school/home and will get back to you as soon as I can.

Star of the Day

Every day I will be picking a star of the day! The star of the day will be someone who has shone Jesus’ light in our classroom and been a kind, resilient and focused learner. This week the stars of the day have been: Millie, Gabriella, Dominic, Michael, Riley and Benjamin!

Kindness Pot

This week year 1 got 43 pom-poms in the kindness pot! That’s the most we have ever had! Well done year ! I wonder if the children could earn kindness points at home?

Let’s celebrate

30 Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’s -  This week I have awarded the certificate to everyone in year 1. Their positivity this week has filled our classroom with happiness and they have shown how they embrace change and that we always have reasons to smile. Thank you year 1!

Class Tiger

The Tiger will be spending time with me until we are back to our normal routine. He will be positing updates with what he has been getting up to!

I will not be setting any home learning this week. Please take the time to have some well needed family time. Saying goodbye to your wonderful children today was not easy, I will greatly miss seeing their 30 happy faces everyday. Thank you for your patience and kindness at this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Take care and God bless,

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley