"Almost all creativity involves purposeful play." Abraham Maslow

Another action packed week has come to an end and what a week it has been! Budding tennis players have taken to the court and dragon villages have been made out of Lego as a continuation of learning from within the classroom. New plants have been planted in the environmental garden and new worlds have been created as the children’s imaginations have run wild.

Mr Nay has delivered an array of sporting activities this week across the keystages, with a particular focus on athletics in keystage 2, ahead of indoor competitions. He has been overwhelmed with the progress that the children made and is very excited to see how the children develop over the coming years.

Table of the Week; KS1; Year 1 and KS2; Year 6. Thank you and well done children for being so wonderful this week.

Role Models of the Week: KS1; Rory in Reception and KS2; Sophie in Year 4. Thank you children for being so lovely to those around you.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: Jaqui and the team have made such wonderful meals this week for the children and there has been a welcome return of the roast dinner, which has been perfect for the cooler, wetter days that we have experienced this week. The Marvelous Manners go to: Tilly N in Reception and Daniel in Year 4. Thank you children for sharing your wonderful manners with all the staff at lunchtimes.

Have a wonderful weekend.

God Bess

The Lunchtime team.