Year 6 blog - 'Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.'

And in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Christmas, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we are filled with hope and faith. These are our two new virtues this half term and ones that we will be continuing to explore in class. Faith, hope and love are known to the Christian tradition as the three theological virtues. They underpin our whole understanding of what it is to be human and the nature of our relationship with God.

Learning is always fast paced in Year 6 and this week has been no exception. Biographies have continued to dominate our English lessons with a big focus on Walt Disney. After reading his biography this week, the children have written letters as Walt Disney, applying for a job at PIXAR Animation Studios. They really are fantastic and I am looking forward to getting myself a cup of tea and having a good old read of them this weekend. We have also continued to read biographies: Thomas Edison and William Shakespeare. Next week, we will be writing our first outcome, a William Shakespeare biography - I cannot wait! The photos above show the children working together to understand language and then putting it into their writing, We have been writing stories in maths too this week. Funny, you may think, but they have really helped us to understand addition and subtraction calculations. The children have really enjoyed this and it has helped them to understand what calculation is required in the word problems. Our Curriculum Evening on Thursday 21st November is all about maths mastery and how we teach in school - please make sure that you can come to this event. I will also be needed quite a few Year 6 helpers on the evening so will be asking for volunteers next week in class. In RE, we have just finished our work on the Kingdom of God and will be moving onto our topic of justice next week. This is one of my favourite topics as it helps the children to really think deeply and challenge their own perceptions of our world. As well as all of that wonderful learning, we have also continued to look at the Tudor dynasty and evolution and inheritance in science. A full on, jam packed week!

Learning Awards

Well done to our learning award winners this week!

Nathan J, you have been so cooperative this week. I have watched you constantly support and listen to your partner, supporting them when they needed it. You absolutely epitomise compassion! What a gentleman you are! Thank you for your contribution to our school.

If you cut Emily in half, determination and resilience would run through her. In every lesson, Emily gives her very best, determined to do everything by herself. We are so impressed by your learning attitude Emily - you will do just fine this year!


  • Samlesbury Hall trip on Thursday - please be in school for normal time. The children who normally have a school dinner on a Thursday will be putting their lunch orders in with Jackie on Monday. Full school uniform and a warm coat is essential. The children can wear trainers on their feet as we will be out and about in the grounds during the afternoon.

  • Curriculum Evening - Thursday 21st November. Year 6s will be needed to support the evening.

  • Advent Masses - These will be starting in the next few weeks on a Friday morning at 8am. It is expected that Year 6 will be prominent at these masses, leading the rest of the school and parish community. Please get them in your diaries so that we can prepare for the birth of Jesus together.

  • Homework is due in on a Tuesday. Please keep an eye on the standard of your child’s homework and really challenge them to create their own timetable for the week. Get them into high school mentality where they will need to motivate themselves to get their work done.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster