'Faith is to believe what you do not see. The reward of this faith is to see what you believe' St Augustine of Hippo

The title of our blog this week is extremely fitting for all of our learning this week … faith has been the centre of most of our lessons... In RE we have looked further in to the Annunciation, looking at Mary’s difficult decision but immense trust in God, it was only through her devout faith that she found the strength the accept God’s will. The children’s responses to this have been so deep and heart felt. We have also been looking closer at what it means to be faith-filled, analysing quotes and we even studied the story Charles Blondin, a famous tightrope walker who showed great faith in what he did, but also asked faith from his audience … ask the children what he asked of the audience. We learnt that there is a real difference in talking about our faith compared to how we can act on our faith.

We have now started to collect evidence of dragons, so be aware! In English we are now looking at starting our non-chronological report unit, where are focus is… dragons to begin with. Today we have looked at the story we are learning, as part of our talk for writing approach and over the next couple of weeks we will innovate this and create our own dragon report. It is all very exciting and I think a few children have even found a dragon’s nest in our environmental garden! Miss Brisco is ready with the telescope for children that want a go at spotting any flying around!

We have now started our assembly, the theme is all about how we are all unique, difference and special … we are all precious in His eyes. It is, once again, about having faith in ourselves, others and most importantly God. Children now have their lines to learn for next week please and the song is also there to learn on the homework page. We look forward to sharing this with you.

Today the flu vaccines were given to the children who were given permission back in September, they were all super brave.

The awards this week go to …

Thank you

Christian McKenzie for being such a focused Cooper Crab for working so hard, managing your distractions and being ready to learn this week!

John Joseph Shaw you have been such a ‘have a go’ Tommy Turtle! We have loved seeing your confidence grow and your enjoyment of learning this week, good boy for having the courage to get your hand up more this week.

Important Information…

Our class assembly is on Tuesday 19th November 9:10

Curriculum Evening is Thursday 21st October 6pm - 8pm