"Every next level in life will demand a new you!"

We’ve been authors this week! Each day we took a different part of our “Legend” story. It has not been easy- Mrs Hotchkiss set the challenge of blend action with dialogue. After that we played with and included extended noun phrases and sentence that started with an “ed" openers (see homework) -not forgetting the relative clauses we have nearly mastered! As you may have guessed we had a grammar heavy week! In maths we have stretched our brains with lots of mental strategies. We also explored the part whole model in relation to calculation families. Oh yes- ask your child what the Commutative Law is - hopefully they will be able to tell you! In PE we got our Netball lessons underway and in Geography Mrs Gawthrope started our new topic North America - the children loved this. On Thursday half the class represented the school at the inter-schools athletics competition and because of this half of Year 6 came to join us on Thursday! It was lovely having the classes together especially when Year 6 came to our Children’s Liturgy led by Sol, Lila and Elizabeth. As usual we studied music and French is a permanent feature this half term Mrs Curtis taught class art- Reduced Block Printing- please visit the art page their work looks wonderful!

Thank you for purchasing poppies this week!

Thank to the Athletics children - they came third!

Growth Mind-set Certificates this week went to: Rhys and Tess


Choir and dance Monday

The Flu- Vaccine was given today to the children with permission