Home Learning due 18.11.19

Assembly Lines

Children are to continue learning their assembly lines. The majority of the children know these off by heart; however some children still need a little bit of practise.


 Oh no! The Evil Pea is on the loose and will be visiting your homes this week. I wonder, what will he do to your fruit and vegetables? Can the children create their own character who has been tormented by the Evil Pea? The children could create a mini crime scene (please see year 1 page), or could draw their poor fruit/vegetable in their home learning book. For an extra challenge, I would like the children to answer the following questions, in character: Who are you? What has happened to you? How do you feel? We have been using the personal pronoun ‘I’ in class, with a capital letter.

If your child creates a crime scene and would like a photo stuck into their books. You are more than welcome to email a photo to me. e.lane@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Lots of reading please!