"Faith can move mountains"

I most definitely have to start by saying how proud I am of each and every one of the children for their performances of our class assembly this week. I am sure you will agree that they all spoke with such confidence and clarity, and I for one can’t believe just how much they have grown since their last performance in Year 1. It’s hard to believe that it’s now time to start thinking ahead to the Christmas Nativity!

The children have absolutely loved reading our new focus story ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?’ this week, with lots of giggles as the children adventure through the many pages of a fairy tale book with the main character ‘Herb’. I’m sure your child will tell you all about Herb’s mischievous ways if you ask them. Already I am looking forward to hearing all of the children’s creative ideas about which fairy tale character Herb may meet in their own version of the story and what Herb may have done to upset them.

During maths this week, we have learned a new visual representation called the ‘bar model’. Bar models are used throughout many maths topics in order to help us to visualise and represent calculations and problems. They have helped us in Year 2 with representing parts and wholes when looking at addition this week. Well done Year 2, it is not always easy to learn something completely new, but you have been so focused and determined!

Another week with a class filled with ‘Cooper Crabs’ and ‘Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybirds’ - I am so lucky!

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda – you are always such a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ in our classroom.  You are such a kind and considerate friend who can never do enough to help others.  You are so thoughtful and patient and can always be seen helping others to do the right thing too.  You can always be relied upon to carry out jobs sensibly and efficiently – we are lucky to have such a great role model amongst us!  Well done!

Harvey, I have been blown away by your concentration and focus during lessons this week.  You now know the importance of listening carefully to others and you wait really patiently to share your ideas.  It is an absolute delight to see that smile of yours when you know that you have done something well.  Keep it up Harvey – I am so proud of you!


Those children who had signed up to have their flu vaccination have had it today (Friday).

Please don’t forget that the children must have their PE shorts with them on Tuesdays for indoor PE and Wednesdays for Yoga. Thank you.

Have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly