Supertato to the rescue!

This week in year 1, the Evil Pea has been on the loose and he is causing chaos! On Monday morning, the children entered the classroom to find that the Evil Pea had tormented more fruit and vegetables. The children investigated the crime scene and wrote from the perspective of one of the vegetables in distress. Thankfully, Supertato has now come to the rescue and we cannot wait to find out whether he will be able to stop the Evil Pea.

In geography this week, we began our learning about the UK and found out that the UK is made up of four different countries. The children have also showed super understanding of human and physical geographical features. Challenge them to tell you whether something is physical (natural) or human (man-made).

Throughout the week the children have been busy practising for our class assembly. They have been singing their hearts out and have delivered their lines beautifully. Unfortunately, we did not have time for show and tell today; we were so busy practising. We are very much looking forward to sharing our assembly with you next Tuesday.

The children who signed up for it, had their flu vaccinations today - which they really enjoyed! They loved guessing the scent of the spray.

Class Tiger

This week the Tiger has decided to come home with Theo! The Tiger has been so impressed with the effort you have been putting into your work and how you show such compassion to other children on the playground. Well done Theo!

Let’s celebrate

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For learning your assembly lines so well! Benjamin you have clearly practised your lines so much at home; you say them with such confidence and enthusiasm! I cannot wait for everyone to hear you say your lines on the day! Well done you!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For always having your hand up, eager to share ideas and learn. Rafe, you have impressed me so much with your enthusiasm and love of learning. No matter the lesson, you are always prepared to share your thoughts with others. You love to do extra learning at home, without being asked and have definitely taught me lots too! Well done Rafe!


  • Our class assembly is Tuesday 12th November at 9.10am and 9.35am.

Take care and God bless,

Miss Lane and Miss Woodrow