Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 14th November


Almost everyone has made a cracking start to their reading this half term. Some children are shooting up the reading display in class - well done to Rhys, Jayden and Elizabeth- they have reached their targets already!!! These three are closely followed by Dylan and Annabelle. I wanted to celebrate these children as they have made great progress - they are enjoying their books and scoring well on the test at the end. Keep it up everyone! I have attached a parents guide for ACR so you too can keep a track of your child’s progress too


Please complete IXL F9 for Mrs Hotchkiss and K3 for Mrs Gawthrope


Thank you for completing the Extended Noun Phrases last week! We will practice these again throughout the year - they are tricky- even I made an error in class this week. This week have explored sentences with ED openers. I have prepared a special homework page to explain. Once you have read the explanation complete the task set.


Please complete the Purple Mash map work challenge. This week I have returned to the UK. Can you name the counties of England? We have parents who originally came from a different part of the country- Mrs Hotchkiss comes from Greater Manchester. Can you label the counties correctly. I have handed out a map to help the children.

Note: I have shown the children how Purple Mash reports on how they did on each task. It shows the level of accuracy and who completed it. IXL does the same. Please make sure you complete the tasks in the week set- Thank you. Good homework habits now will set you up for life long learning!