Year 1 Home Learning 13.3.20


The children have got a worksheet to complete. This involves adding the prefix -un to a given word, then writing a sentence with the word they have made. If the children want to be brave Tommy Turtles, I would love them to come up with some words of their own .


Ongoing learning on IXL ‘Skip-Counting’ F.1 - F.9


Please ensure children are reading every night.


The children have been given some spellings to learn. I will be testing them on these next Friday.

1. put

2. push

3. you

4. your

5. they

6. be

7. me

8. she

9. he

10. tree

Flash Cards

A few children have now learned ALL of the flash cards. This is a HUGE achievement and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. For these children their new challenge is to spell these words. They will be tested on the spellings of these words once a week and moved onto the next set when they can confidently spell them.