It never ceases to amaze me, how children can see the magic in every little thing around them and in each other. This week has been no exception as all the children have shown such kindness and empathy to all those around them. From the simple act of holding a door open, asking another child from a different class to join in their game and making sure that everyone is having a lovely lunch time.
Mr Nay has continued to deliver sporting activities such as rugby, football and fundamental skill based games for the younger children. Year six continue with their leadership roles around the school by delivering clubs for the classes to enjoy. Thank you Year six for providing such wonderful opportunities to the other students.
Table of the Week: Keystage 1, Marsden. Keystage 2, Plessington. Well cone and thank you children for being so wonderful.
Role Models of the Week: Joshua Reception and Cora Y1 are our role models for keystage 1 this week. The Keystage 2 role models are: Steffanie Y3 and Victor Y4. Thank you and well done to you all. The ladies all appreciate your manners and friendliness towards others.
Jaqui,s Marvelous Manners: Keystage 1; Tommy and Logan, Reception, Keystage 2; Laura and Leila Y5. Thank you and well done to you all for being so delightful.
May the sun continue to shine for the weekend.
God Bless
The lunchtime team