Update on Sport Provision in school.

Please read the statement on school sport produced by all of the local head teachers.

‘Due to the current Coronavirus outbreak and the escalation to the delay phase it has been decided by the cluster that there is a need to cancel all the football and netball fixtures and the related tournaments at this time. 

This has been driven by many factors including the need to find an alternative venue following the understandable decision of AKS to restrict the use of their playing fields, and more importantly the recently introduced public health advice around increased self-isolation of pupils and adults.  The impact this advice will have on attendance at the matches of some teams may lead to the cancellation of matches at short notice.  This would put schools and families under increased pressure at an already challenging time. 

We are all saddened to take this step but feel it is the most responsible decision in the circumstances. We hope that some alternative provision and opportunities can be arranged for our pupils in the future when this becomes possible.’

At Our Ladys, we are still going to carry on with some sport provision before and after school. Tomorrow morning’s football practice will not go ahead, instead Mr Nay will be running an intra school tournament after school for all the netballers and footballers who want to attend. This will be until 4.30pm.

The Year 3 sports clubs will still operate as normal on Thursday morning.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely over the coming days.