"For unto us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given"

It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached the Christmas holidays and the children have completed their first full term in Year 2! Time has flown by so quickly. This week has been jam packed with both learning and lots of fun as we have made our way to the final day of term. On Tuesday we went to watch the KS2 Christmas Carol concert in Church which we all agreed was absolutely beautiful. It was lovely to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus in a different and special way. Lessons have been crammed with lots of science this week as we came to the end of our materials topic. The children are now so confident at naming and describing different properties and used their knowledge to create a Christmas decoration that was fit for purpose. Many also had to be real ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders’ as they realised that their decoration design wasn’t as easy to create as they first thought. We had great evaluation discussions at the end of the session with the children able to explain why their design didn’t quite work and what they would change next time.

A great time was had by all at the Christmas party yesterday with everyone dancing, singing and playing so beautifully together. We even had a visit from Father Christmas himself, who was just as excited to see the children as the children were to catch a glimpse of him! Thank you Year 2 - we all love sharing these fun and special times with you!

Let’s Celebrate

Although the week has been incredibly busy and a little out of routine, you have stayed so focused and sensible this week Franek.  You have tried to be really co-operative and kind to your friends and it has been lovely to hear those lovely manners you have around our classroom.  Keep this up in the new year Franek!  

What a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ you are Edi!  You are always so kind and considerate in our class and speak so kindly to your friends.  You make such a great learning partner and listen so carefully to the ideas of others.  Your positivity has not gone unnoticed, even in this final week before Christmas where routines have been a little different.  Thank you Edi!  

I hope that you all have a truly wonderful Christmas with your families. Stay safe and remember to relax - the next term is just as busy as this one!

Merry Christmas

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly