'The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents but in the His presence' Matthew 1:23

What a magical week we have had in Year 3! Amid all this weeks festivities we have still continued with our learning, Maths has continued with our reasoning in addition and subtraction and we have now finished our Arctic Geography topic. This week the children have wrote some wonderful reports on Polar Bears, using all of their skills and language features from their non-chronological report learning in English.

The children have worked so hard this term and we are very pleased with the progress they are making. Today we have given the children their new ZPD codes for their reading books and all of them made sure they had a reading book to read over Christmas. All children have made good progress in their reading, but this must continue, so please over the Christmas period read frequently together and discuss the text, it helps more with their learning than anything else. We have gifted each child with a new bookmark before they left, with the quote ‘a book is a gift that you can open again and again’- how true this is!

Miss Hornby spoke to the children today in assembly about the need in wearing the correct school uniform that is in line with the school’s uniform policy- please see the website homepage for Miss Hornby’s blog.

We started the week off beautifully with our Christmas Carol Concert, where the children sang their hearts out and stood so smartly, we were all so proud of them- I am sure you will all agree that both performances were magical. On Wednesday, we then danced our socks off and had lots of fun at the Junior Christmas Party! Here are some of the pictures we took on the day!

Have a wonderful, relaxing and holy Christmas!

The awards this week go to …

Mason Thank you for being such a focused Cooper Crab, concentrating in class, managing your distractions much better and developing your resilience.

Jess what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! You have clearly loved our Geography topic and it has show in your work- well done!

Important information:

Year 3 parents day will be slightly different to the rest of the school- it will be held on Wednesday 29th January, booking appointments will live first week back.