It has been a really delightful week in Year 4. Despite coughs and colds we have been such enthusiastic learners! We have delved right into our Charlotte’s Web novel and feel like the characters are our new friends! We also looked closely at the subject of friendship - which is explored in the novel. We thought about what makes a good friend and how we could offer this friendship to others. We also thought about what might upset people and put them off being friends with us, using characters from the novel as an example.
We have learned about formal and informal language - all children wrote formally to Charlotte when they were ‘making her acquaintance!’ Alongside practising many reading skills, such as performing parts aloud, inferring and finding evidence to prove a point, we have been collecting vocabulary and using it when we talk and write!
In maths we have all been ‘Tommy Turtles’ who have a go and work really hard on our addition and subtraction strategies. We are now ready to begin column addition and subtraction next week.
On Wednesday, we had a lovely lesson all about angels. Children asked so many interesting questions about them then we found evidence from the bible to see what angels do. We learned a lovely prayer about angels and then children formulated their own beliefs about what they think angels are and where they come from. It was beautiful when they looked at each others ideas and decided they had changed their beliefs slightly according to what their partner had said. The mysteries of our faith are so interesting to ponder upon!
Let’s celebrate!
This week, the french stars were Aya and Daniel. Our swimming stars were Lily A and Clayton. A Tommy Turtle certificate went to Lily A, who is a brave learner. She has a good go at anything! Clayton received a Kiki Chameleon certificate for voicing his deep and interesting thoughts in class. Well done!
Please remember flutes on Monday for our Flute concert which takes place at 2.45 in the hall - you are most welcome.
Next Friday is Christmas jumpers and silly socks day. Please bring a kind donation of £1 which we will give to Brian House. This was Year 5’s idea to raise as much money as possible for those less fortunate than them.
Our Key Stage 2 Christmas party is on Wednesday 18th December. Children can come in their own clothes (Christmasy if they wish) They may bring one special snack on this day (eg/ a bar of chocolate or a packet of crisps and also a drink (not fizzy please)
Next week is our final week of swimming for this term.
Our final Advent mass is next Friday at 8am at school. It is so lovely to share this with so many of you each week.
Key Stage 2 Christmas performance in church on Tuesday 17th December at 2.00pm and at 6.30pm.
Have a lovely weekend with your little cherubs! God bless you all..
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Atkinson