Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 11th December

Spelling - These are the next set of common exception words that need to be learnt.

Common exception words 4.PNG

Maths - Please complete C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 on IXL. These all involve the multiplication strands that we have been working on. Continue with C15 and C16. Please can you complete these ready for Monday 6th January 2020.

Science - There are two Purple Mash tasks to complete. These should have been started in school, please finish them at home. As always, please think about the quality of your writing and what we have been working on in class.

A Galapogas Island Postcard

A interview with Charles Darwin

Computing - Next week we will be starting our computer science lessons and will be coding. What can you discover about the programs that we will be using? Have a play at home on them and make a list of what you have found out? Why not make a tutorial video?