Year 6 Home Learning 5.12.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in.

English- Please complete the jigsaw complex sentences within your books- which subordiating conjunction will you use to start your sentence?

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please go back to all of the previous songs and practice them and make sure you know your lines off by heart for next week. Thank you!


Year 6 Home Learning 28.11.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

English- Please complete the reported and direct speech worksheet in your books.

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please learn the next 2 Christmas songs below.

You have a booklet with the words to all songs in your bag - please keep at home to practice and do not lose it.

There is also a copy of the words below as well as our videos


Year 6 Home Learning 21.11.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

Reading- Please complete the short reading paper. Remember to refer back to the text and underline the important information in the text.

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please learn the next 3 Christmas songs below.

You have a booklet with the words to all songs in your bag - please keep at home to practice and do not lose it.

There is also a copy of the words below as well as our videos


Year 6 Home Learning 14.11.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

Reading- Please complete the short reading paper. Remember to refer back to the text and underline the important information in the text.

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please learn the first 3 christmas songs below.

You have a booklet with the words to all songs in your bag - please keep at home to practise and do not lose it.

There is also a copy of the words below as well as our videos


Year 6 Home Learning 7.11.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

Reading- All children should be reading for at least 20/30 minutes at home every night- let’s get to our targets before Christmas!

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practise these throughout the week in class but you also need to practise them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!


Year 6 Home Learning 10.10.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the missing addend problems in your book. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Year 6 Home Learning 3.09.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also practice the short division:

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Year 6 Home Learning 26.09.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also practice the column addition and subtraction.

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Year 6 Home Learning 19.09.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

History- Please could the children watch the following video about the Tudors and see what answers they can find within the video to answer the questions on their sheet in homework books.

Assembly- Please practice your lines for our assembly and the song off by heart!

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! Please complete the following long multiplications in your homework book- setting it out as we have been doing in class.

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Year 6 Home Learning 12.09.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Homework books - Please personalize/ cover your homework book to tells me something about you, I would love to find out more about you! Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.

Assembly- You now have your lines for our Assembly a week next Tuesday. Please learn them off by heart and practice speaking with loudly and with great expression!

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! Please complete the bar model structures homework in your books.

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Year 6 Homework Week 1

Homework usually should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

 English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! .


Spellings will be practised throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Friday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practising these spellings throughout the week.


Optional Homework

Have you never been a Class Councillor? Would you like this opportunity in your final year at Our Lady’s? Now is your chance …

If you would like to be considered in our class votes then you need to prepare a short speech, presentation or poster that outlines why your class should vote for you and why you would be good at the job. We are voting next Thursday, so make sure you prepare and bring in everything you need before this day.

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 9/05/24


The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

READING- Have a go at the short reading task. Please also ensure you’re reading for AT LEAST 40 minutes per day.

GPS- Have a go at the revision map I have sent you, focus on the sentence functions.

There may be other areas you want to go over that you have identified from the last papers you completed.


Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 2.05.24


The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

Maths: Please have a go and complete the maths reasoning paper. You could do this along side an adult or do it to the time- it should take you 40 minutes to complete the test.

READING- Please complete the SAT’s reading paper- some of you definitely need to practise this paper to ensure you complete the test in one hour.

GPS- Have a go at the revision map on punctuation I have sent you.

There may be other areas you want to go over that you have identified from the last paper you completed.


Year 6 Home Learning 25.04.24

With just 2 weeks until the end of year assessments, we have ramped up learning in class. The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the link below. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.


I have prepared a revision map word class sheet for you to have a go at. Once you have completed this, you will soon see any areas that you need to work on at identifying certain word classes. Once you have found the areas you found difficult, why not go to IXL to practise this!


Please complete the example reasoning SAT’s style word problems.

Keep practising your long divisions at home. I have left the video on to remind you.


SPELLING FOCUS - i before e, except after c. This is a really tricky rule! Focus on it.

What other spelling rules do you need to revise?

cashier, priest, mischief, deceive, receipt, mischief, believe, brief, niece, diesel, hygiene, fierce, siege, grief, receive, perceive, inconceivable, yield, efficient, conscience

2) Below is a list of the Year 5 and 6 word list that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6. Why not take a look at them and see how many you know how to spell? How many do you know you need to work on?

Mrs Barker’s group spellings …

let’s focus on the ‘ou’ sound.

touch, young, double, trouble, couple, country, cousin, courage,



In line with our new homework policy, each class will now have some optional tasks in addition to the set reading, spelling and Maths. Year 6 homework will look slightly different to other classes, as the need for reinforcement and revision is crucial on the run up to SAT’s, but then in Summer 2 term will follow the structure outlined on Mrs Gregan’s blog last week. The optional tasks below are for the whole term, some will build on previous learning and others will enrich this half term’s learning. Please click on the link below to view the tasks for this term. You can do these in homework books, as photos, powerpoints or however you like.

Year 6 Home Learning 17.04.24


Please have a go at the short reading comprehension.


This week we have continued our work on percentages. Please have a go at the example SAT’s percentage questions provided.

Long division- Please complete the division questions using our long division strategy. This week our focus is just on 4 digits divided by 2 digits. Thanks to some more of our wonderful helpers who have prepared a short video to help you remember the strategy …


This week’s spelling focus are abstract nouns. We need to know what abstract nouns are for our SPAG and let’s learn how to spell them… Maybe you could think of some more abstract nouns with your grown ups? Remember to practice these throughout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.

2) Below is a list of the Year 5 and 6 word list that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6. Why not take a look at them and see how many you know how to spell? How many do you know you need to work on?

Mrs Barker’s group spellings …

Let’s look at the rule… ‘i before e except after c’

deceive, conceive, receive, perceive, ceiling, receipt,


In line with our new homework policy, each class will now have some optional tasks in addition to the set reading, spelling and Maths. Year 6 homework will look slightly different to other classes, as the need for reinforcement and revision is crucial on the run up to SAT’s, but then in Summer 2 term will follow the structure outlined on Mrs Gregan’s blog last week. The optional tasks below are for the whole term, some will build on previous learning and others will enrich this half term’s learning. Please click on the link below to view the tasks for this term. You can do these in homework books, as photos, powerpoints or however you like.

Year 6 Home Learning 11.04.24


Lots of reading please- let’s get quizzing!


This week we have looked at percentages. Please have a go at the following IXL strand to revisit your learning.

T3 Convert fractions to percents using grid models

T4Convert between percents, fractions and decimals

Then please complete the arithmetic booklet. This can be either completed independently to a time (30 minutes) or alongside a grown up where you can discuss the strategies and methods you use- you must decide what is going to be most beneficial for you.


This week’s spelling focus are words that contain a double consonant. Remember to practice these throughout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.

Optional revision:

1) Why don’t use look at the pronouns sections in IXL English GG PRONOUNS. We have been doing this in class so it would be great to reinforce!

2) Below is a list of the Year 5 and 6 word list that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6. Why not take a look at them and see how many you know how to spell? How many do you know you need to work on?

Year 6 Home Learning 28.03.24

Message to Parents

This year really is flying! The children are being asked to work incredibly hard in class and our pace of learning is incredible. As always, the children are rising to every challenge that they are being set.

After this week, we have 6 weeks until our assessment week. Maintaining a balanced curriculum is really important. They have to experience learning in all of the other subjects as well as the increased focus on Maths and English. There has been huge progress made in these areas because the children are so motivated and determined to do well.

Intrinsic motivation and the children being determined to succeed will inevitably lead to their success. Effort breeds success.

Please do get in touch if you need any more support.


SPELLING - Revise all of your spellings from your spelling book. Which words are you finding tricky? Is there a particular rule? Can you re-learn some of the spellings you have got wrong in your quizzes?

GPS - You have a paper to work through at home. Are you comfortable with all concepts? What could you research further? Could you use IXL for further consolidation?

MATHS - I have given you a reasoning paper to have a go at over the holidays, reason your way through this along side an adult for support. I have added White Rose Home Learning to the button below. You can watch videos to help you in any area of maths that you are not sure about.

Please keep our precentage work ticking over ready to take off where we started after the holidays, by having a go at the following IXL strands:

T1 What percentage is illustrated?

T2 Understanding percents: bar models

READING - Please make sure you are reading every day over half term and be ready to quiz when you come back!

Year 6 Home Learning 21.03.24

Homework is now due back on Wednesdays


  1. This week it has been all about the fractions- please complete the multiplying fractions sheet to reinforce what we have been doing in class.

2. Complete the following IXL strands:

N 17 Multiply two fractions

N 24 Divide fractions by whole numbers


This week’s spelling focus are words that we have already learnt this half term, so let’s see whether we have remembered them! Remember to pratise these throughout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.


Mrs Barker’s Group

Begin below between both city close country


This week we have been learning about prepositions and determiners! Please complete the example SAT questions on prepositions and complete the following IXL strands:

LL 1. Identify prepositions

LL 2. Identify prepositions and their objects

Have a go at the following determiners game:

Year 6 Home Learning 14.03.24

Homework is now due back on Wednesdays


  1. Please could you continue to pracitce converting and telling the time, this is a life skill that needs to be practised. Could you please complete the word problems on time- remember what we say in class ‘when dealing with time, use a number line!’.

2. Could you also complete the arithmetic sheet.


This week’s spelling focus are words ending in ‘ance’. Remember to pratice these thoghout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.

Mrs Barker’s Group

try turn went why world along

Please continue reading at home for AT LEAST 20 minutes each night.

Please complete the short comprehension sheet on the ‘The first man on the moon’. This is great practice to improve your fluency and comprehension skills so please take the time to complete it carefully.

Year 6 Home Learning 7.3.24

Homework is now due back on Wednesdays


During our feedback sesions it was clear that some children need to revise and practice telling the time and converting time between anolgue and digital and 12hour to 24 hour clock. Please use the folowing website to help you and then complete the worksheets provided. If you need to spend more time on this then please ask a grown up to help you.


This week’s spelling focus are words from the Year 6 Statutory word list. There is a quiz for you to complete on PurpleMash.

Mrs Barker’s Group

circle maybe angle whenever therefore exclaimed

Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night, the children are making good progress towards their reading targets.

The Bible

This week, as we head towards World Book Day, the most important book of all, centred around our faith is the bible. Can you read a story together from the Bible? Can you retell the story to a friend?