Year 6 Home Learning 11.04.24


Lots of reading please- let’s get quizzing!


This week we have looked at percentages. Please have a go at the following IXL strand to revisit your learning.

T3 Convert fractions to percents using grid models

T4Convert between percents, fractions and decimals

Then please complete the arithmetic booklet. This can be either completed independently to a time (30 minutes) or alongside a grown up where you can discuss the strategies and methods you use- you must decide what is going to be most beneficial for you.


This week’s spelling focus are words that contain a double consonant. Remember to practice these throughout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.

Optional revision:

1) Why don’t use look at the pronouns sections in IXL English GG PRONOUNS. We have been doing this in class so it would be great to reinforce!

2) Below is a list of the Year 5 and 6 word list that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6. Why not take a look at them and see how many you know how to spell? How many do you know you need to work on?