Year 3 Weekly Blog 11.4.24 - April showers bring May flowers!

Class Worship
Class Worship was led this week by Alice, Lena and Louie. They read the parable of Jesus feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14:13) and as a class we sang one of our favourites - All Glory Lord and Honor. Our word of the week has been ‘Believe’. As a class have visited the school chapel, listened to the Gospel of John 20:19-31 and took time to think about things we cannot see, yet know they are there.
Our RE lesson told the story of Jesus on the road to Emmaus, the children were able to make links between the last supper and the meal he shard with his friends in which they realised they had seen Jesus after he had risen. We looked at works of art from around the world that depicted this event and talked about which we liked best and why.

This week’s learning:

We have had lots of practise this week using mental strategies to subtract multiples of 10 from 2 and 3 digit numbers, we then went on to subtract numbers that required us to cross tens numbers and use our bridging technique. It would be great if you could challenge your children to mentally subtract multiples of 10 from 2 and 3 digit numbers. eg what is 10 less than 37? What is 10 less than 137? What is 10 more than 56? What is 10 more than 352? etc Try to keep it fast and pacey, the children love the challenge.
Next week we’ll be starting to look at column addition so these mental strategies will be really beneficial.

Our English work continues with Roman these, this week we have looked at Boudicca’s inspirational speech - we’ve chanted it and even added actions! We’ve used word hippo to help us find the means of tricky words to give us a better understanding. We were detectives and found evidence in texts to support statements about Boudicca.

French - planes, trains and automobiles!
I challenged the children this week to match French transport words to English words - at first they thought this would be really tricky…until they saw some of the French words and notice that some of the spellings are the same or very similar - cognates and near cognates.

Our new Geography topic is Our Local Area, we have spent time locating St Annes, starting with a globe and working our way in until we got to street level using ordnance survey maps. I challenged the children to locate our school, the beach, a park, a tourist attraction and their home. If you have a map at home I’m sure your child would love to see it and see what you can find together.

Blue Peter Badge Applications - These have now been posted. Thank you for returning the application forms.

Conversation starter…

What can’t we see but we know is there?


Isaac -You have come back to school, after our end of term break, full of enthusiasm to learn. It’s lovely to see that our new topics are exciting you, you make valuable contributions to our class discussion and ask questions that spark curiosity in the class.Well done Isaac – keep it up!

Rosa -Rosa, you have thrown yourself into all of your learning this week, with a determination to grow your brain…no matter what! You make the most of every school day and never waste an opportunity to be brave and to have a go. Well done Rosa!

This half term’s virtues are learned and wise.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Lena.

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Louisa
Marvelous Manners: Nathan


  • Polite Reminder - We are a ‘nut free’ school - this includes packed lunches, a number of children have had nutella sandwiches this week, not only an unhealthy choice but this also goes against our ‘nut free’ policy that is in place to protect children in our school who have severe allergies.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely