Homework - Wednesday 11th September 2019

Maths - as we have been looking at place value this week, please can you complete the following IXL strands

A1, A2 and A4

We will check progress next week so make sure you give it your all.

RE - What makes a good leader? Can you log into Purple Mash and complete the ‘to do’ set? A wanted poster on leadership. What makes a good leader? Is there a leader who you admire?

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.

Spellings -

climb, thumb, subtle, limb, comb, tomb, numb, crumb, doubt, debt

credible, divisible, eligible, possible, responsible

Optional Homework - Over the past few weeks we have been learning how to do yoga and to be mindful. Practise yoga every day and mindful breathing. Why not create an image of your tree, bird or butterfly that we have been imagining.