'And I think to myself what a wonderful world'

We have had another incredible week of learning in Year 1. Once again I have opened the door to 30 happy faces everyday  - what a wonderful way to start our learning each day!

 This week we have started our class story ‘Dangerous!’, which is all about a Mole who loves labelling things. That is until one day, when he finds a lumpy, bumpy thing - a crocodile! Mole labels him ‘dangerous’ and the adventure follows on from there. The children have been labelling nouns just like Mole. The children enjoyed  searching for nouns around the classroom and identifying them as either a ‘thing’, ‘place’ or ‘person’. Please challenge the children to point out different nouns at home to consolidate their learning.

The children also began their Read Write Inc. lessons this week. The staff have been so impressed with the children’s  enthusiasm for learning and application of their sounds.

During R.E. lessons this week we have begun to explore our understanding of ‘God’s Great Plan’. The children have been thinking deeply about all of the beautiful things God had made in our world. We have been using our 5 senses to do this; I wonder if they can spot any more beautiful things over the weekend? 

This week’s show and tell was all about our families. The children all shared with the class, the special people in their lives - it was magical! Thank you so much for supporting them with this home learning.

Let’s Celebrate

Co-operative Roger Robin- Bella, this week you have shown how kind your heart is. You are always there to support your peers in their learning and when playing on the playground. Thank you for being such a co-operative learner and for making our classroom such a loving place to be.

Brave Tommy Turtle - Archie, you have been such a courageous learner this week . You aren’t afraid to put your hand up and have a go. You have been particularly brave in Maths and I loved your insightful ideas on how we could sort the animals in Science. Keep being brave in your learning!

Class Tiger

This week the class tiger will be going home with Benjamin. You have been a role model to everyone in year 1 this week Benjamin. You have mastered our classroom hand signals and always listen carefully  to instructions.  Have a wonderful weekend with the Tiger - I hope you have some Tiger food at the ready!

Class Councillors

Congratulations to Faye and Archie who are the Year 1 Class Councillors. This is a big position of responsibility; I have no doubt that you will both rise to the challenge!

Home Learning

Details for this week’s home learning can be found under ‘Year 1 Homework’.

Children will be coming home with a reading log and an Accelerated Reader book. Please read the note printed in the front of the learning log. Your child may have a Read Write Inc. book too; all children will be bringing home these books when they start their new Read Write Inc text.


  • Our KS1 Induction Evening is Wednesday 18th September at 6pm. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the Year 1 team, hear all about what the children will be learning this year and ask any questions you may have. I hope to see you all there!

  • Please ensure that children bring a bottle of water to school with them every day to stay hydrated.

  • Finally, please can you make sure that all clothes, bottles and bags are labelled clearly with your child’s name.

Have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Lane and Miss Woodrow