Reading every night! ENJOY!!!
Maths IXL
Please complete A1 and A2
The children have started researching in the Greek Gods. They have brought this home to complete. The cards in their bags create a fan. I would like the children to bring these back so we can pin them together and display them. I have linked one useful website here
This week we ave learnt the ay sound when it appears as “eigh” ey” “ei”
Please learn: reign, neighbour, obey, vein, eighteen, weight, prey, freight, sleigh veil, they
History optional
We have chatted about the film “Jason and the Argo-naughts” in class. It was made along time ago and its special effects are creative but fun to watch now! If you have time to watch it with your child I know they will gain a great deal as it references a lot of the learning we are doing at the moment. I have found the whole film on You-Tube. why not buy some popcorn and enjoy- there are some scary bits so sharing the experience would be best!
Thank you Mrs H