'Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think' Buddha

What a fantastic second week we have had in Year 3, full of learning , fun, challenge and reflection. The children are impressing us daily how they are adapting to the new routines and rising to the junior expectations. We have definitely got some focused Cooper Crabs and enthusiastic Bobby Bee’s in our class, which makes our learning very exciting!

The week started with our Year 6’s delivering some wonderful house captain speeches to the whole school, in which we all had to vote for our chosen house captain- it was a very difficult decision for every house! This definitely inspired Year 3, as they too, delivered some wonderful speeches to the class, sharing what they felt were the most important qualities needed to become the best Class Councillor. We then voted for who we believe will represent Year 3 well, speaking confidently to share our thoughts and ideas from our class council. Well done to Kiefer and Hollie-Rose who were voted for our new Class Councillors.

In English this week we have been looking closely at the fable ‘The Lion and the Mouse’, exploring what makes a fable and focusing on what a moral is. Why not ask them what the moral of the Lion and the Mouse is? In Maths the children have been continuing to work on their place value of three digit numbers, using mathematical apparatus to make these numbers. In RE we have been continuing to look at our focus virtues for this half term ‘learned and wise’ and sharing the gift of our family with one another. Yoga with Mrs Ward earlier in the week was wonderful, the children are challenged during this time to relax their body and empty their mind, as they practice their mindfulness. Why not ask your children to teach you what they have learnt so you can practice this together, emptying your minds and listening to the sounds around you?

Thank you to those parents who made it to the induction evening on Wednesday, it was lovely to see so many of you there, I hope you found it useful. If you didn’t manage to make it on Wednesday, below I have added the presentation that I have used so that you can have a look at what we discussed at your leisure. I talked a lot about the language the language we use in class, using growth mindset language and of course using our learning characters to develop the children’s learning capability.

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Asher for being such a focused Cooper Crab! Your listening skills and engagement in learning are wonderful.

Isabella what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! We have loved seeing your desire and enjoyment of learning this week.

Important information:

  • Please make sure all forms from the induction evening are completed and brought back to school.

  • Reading books have gone out tonight with the children- please read, read, read with your children - it is the greatest gift you can give to them. It is vital that children read every night to develop those much needed skills.

  • Homework will begin next week, as mentioned at induction evening.