Year 6 weekly blog - 'If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something new - it is now!'

After two weeks of application writing, house captain speeches and class council speeches, we have arrived at the point where all children know their positions of responsibility. Yet again, the children spoke with such passion and sincerity in the hall when they addressed their houses in a bid for their votes. We could not be more proud of all of the children who gave it a go and faced their fears. We discussed what we had all learnt by the process and I think the children were shocked at just how brave they all were! Positions have now been filled and clubs and leadership responsibilities will be starting on Monday. I cannot wait to see how the children get on this year and what legacy they leave on our school community.

Thank you to all the parents who came to Induction Evening on Wednesday. I always feel like there is a lot of information in Year 6. If anyone has any further questions to ask based on Wednesday night, please do not hesitate to ask me. Can all paperwork that has gone out, be returned on Monday so I can start getting photographs on the website. For those who could not attend, I have attached my presentation below.


We have made a really good start to our learning in class this week. In maths we are working with numbers up to 10,000,000, making sure that we can read them, write them and identify which one is the greater number. The children are having to really look carefully at the digits and make sure that they are reading the number correctly. In English we are totally immersed in Skellig. It is really gripping us and enabling us to produce some wonderful writing from it. Then we have been studying South America in geography, creating a human electrical circuit in science and pushing ourselves to the limits with the indoor athletics in PE.

Next Wednesday, I will be touching base with all of the children in class and having a learning chat with them. I want to know what their targets are for this year. This will give me a chance to speak to everyone which is always nice.

Homework is due in on Tuesday. This will be easier next week now the children have a sound understanding of Purple Mash.

Our learning awards

Jamie - what a week you have had. We know how nervous you have been when tackling your house captain and coucillor speeches this week, but you said it yourself. These experiences will help you gain confidence and will help you grow. We could not be more proud of you Jamie. Remember how this felt and take it forward with your learning.

Erin - throughout this week you have subtly helped so many children in our class. A true leader does things unnoticed and for the greater good of the class. You do this all of the time. Year 6 will be a great year for you - I can tell!


  • Check the sports page on the website through Engage. Make sure you are aware of all training: dance, football and netball. There is NO netball next week as I am on a course.

  • Please return all paperwork ASAP please.

  • It is our class assembly on Tuesday 24th September.

    Have a lovely weekend with your family.

    Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster