Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 25th September

MATHS on Purple Mash- Please complete the 2Do Maths task ‘Read and write numbers’ to compliment what we are working on in class.

ENGLISH on Purple Mash- Please practise your homophones on the quiz set on the 2Do list. We will be looking at this in more detail next week in lessons. Remember homophones are words that SOUND the same but have a different meaning and spelling.

We have also stuck in some extra spellings and numbers for you to practise at home in your home learning books. We have noticed many children need extra practise at forming their digits the correct way and spelling of tricky numbers.

READING- It is vital that you read every night and make sure that you are reading to an adult. Ask questions, expand your vocabulary and discuss the characters. Enjoy your quiet time together!

Optional homework

We have really been enjoying our yoga sessions with Mrs Ward. Why not put some quiet music on and practise some of our yoga techniques. Can you maybe teach one of your grown ups? Practise being still and sitting mindfully. Breathe through your nostrils. What sounds can you hear around you when you are truly mindful? Collect them for Mrs Ward.