We have had such a busy week together as a whole class. This week the children have enjoyed trying new foods at lunch time. The dinner ladies have been very impressed with how well the children are eating their lunches. They have already noticed an improvement in the amount of food on the floor, well done Reception! We have also had our first art and music lessons with Mrs Curtis and Mrs Mallinson. I know that Mrs Curtis was blown away with the children’s concentration when drawing their family portraits. Please have a look at Mrs Curtis’s art page on our school website. There are many pictures of the children’s wonderful artwork from the week.
Concentrating Chloe for... really using your concentration skills during all of this weeks activities. Miss Neves, Mrs Curtis and I have been wowed with your detailed drawings. These certainly show off your super concentration skills. A huge well done for your first week in school Chloe, we are so impressed!
Exthusiastic Hudson for... being so smiley and happy each and everyday. You are a ray of sunshine in our classroom! Well done Hudson, you have had such a brilliant first week in Reception. You have made so many wonderful friends because you share, play and look after others so beautifully.
Our Phonic sounds this week are:
Set 1 sounds: m, a, s and t. The ‘m’ and ‘s’ sounds are stretchy sounds, “mmmm” “sssss”. The ‘a’ and ‘t’ sound are “a-a-a” and “t-t-t” Please practise forming these at home by using the sound cards provided.
Can you hear the sound in different words? Do you hear the sound at the start, middle or end of the word.
Next week: We will continue to learn new sounds and we will begin lots of ‘Fred Talk’. This means that we be speaking words in sounds, such as, “what word can you hear? C-a-t…” “cat”
Physical skill of the week:
Travelling in a space, avoiding obstacles.
We have been learning how to travel safely in our hall space. We have explored travelling in these ways; gentle jogging, side stepping and galloping.
Our PE days are TUESDAY and THURSDAY each week.
We ask that on both of these days children have access to shorts and any jewellery is removed before coming to school. Just a gentle reminder to label ALL uniform as it does become extremely difficult to trace uniform that is unnamed.
Show and Tell:
It was so special to see all of the children’s precious family items this week. All of the children spoke so proudly and confidently when sharing their show and tell with their class friends.
Next weeks theme for show and tell is: Something you had when you were a baby
(Photos, clothing, shoes, toy, blanket etc)
We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend together as a family.
Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley