Year 6 blog - 'If you can dream it, you can do it.'

This week we have finally fully got going with our learning. After two weeks of leadership applications, house captain speeches and class councillor speeches, we have a full week of uninterrupted learning - it has been a delight.

I spent some of my week marking some wonderful diary entries based on the book that we are reading, Skellig. I will put some up on the website next week. It is so lovely to see that the skills that the children learnt in Year 5 are being applied to their work in Year 6. Next week, we will be creating some explanatory texts all about owls. These small animals feature heavily in Skellig so it give us another opportunity to explore. In maths we have been tackling some really deep place value reasoning. I think we all agreed that our heads were hurting at the end of the lesson . Resilience is key and the children have developed this skill even more this week. Miss Brisco had the pleasure of taking the class on Tuesday whilst myself and Mrs Webster were on a writing course. She had a lovely day discussing the Kingdom of God and who is allowed in it. Finally, we have all successfully completed our first Purple Mash geography task and created QR codes of our work for our books. What a super busy week!


Homework is crucial to consolidate the skills that we are learning in class. Please can you ensure that the children are completing their homework thoroughly and to the standard that is expected in class. I was talking to some past pupils last night and they were telling me that they have had up to 4 pieces of homework a night at high school. It is important that I get the children into a good habit this year, ready for the challenges of high school next year. Thank you for your continued support.

Mission Mass

Next Friday the children will be attending a special mass at Our Ladys alongside all of the other Year 6 classes from our catholic cluster, and St Bedes. The focus of the mass is mission and how, as young leaders of the church, we can have an impact on our schools and community. After the mass, the children will be going to the parish centre to listen to speakers from Castlerigg Manor. What a lovely way to start the school year together.

Learning Stars

Troy - our enthusiastic Bobby Bee. Well done Troy! You bound into class every morning, eager to learn and contribute to lessons. Throughout this week, you have supported so many members of our class. Thank you!

Mollie - our focused Cooper Crab. Since you have started in Year 6, you have been really determined to do your work and focus on what you need to do in each lesson. Keep up this focused attitude, you will achieve great things.


  • It is our class assembly on Tuesday. Please join us at 9.10am and 9.35am to hear all about our dreams.

  • Sports fixtures start on Tuesday v St Thomas at AKS. Please collect your children at 3.30pm and take them straight to AKS.

  • Dance practice starts on Monday at school for the children selected for the dance team.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster