Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 2nd October

Well done on last week’s homework and getting to grips with Purple Mash! I hope you enjoyed it! You did great on the spelling practice- well done. There is a few of us however that need to go back to the Maths task- reading and writing numbers- to continue to work on this skill. What score did you get? Did you get less than 60%? If so please keep working on this area with a grown up.

ENGLISH - To continue the work we are doing in English and in preparation for our writing. Please could you complete the ‘describe the lion’ in your 2Do list in Purple Mash. Follow the instructions carefully. but I am looking for those children who can use some interesting adjectives to describe this animal. You may even want to challenge yourself and add some adverbs to describe the lion’s movements.


SPELLING - Next week our spelling focus will be on looking at words with the prefix ‘dis’. Prefixes always go before the root word. How many words can you collect in your homework books with the prefix ‘dis’? Can you find any in your books? What do they mean? We will be collecting and discussing these in class next week, so be having a think as to how the prefix changes the word. Here are a couple of examples:




MATHS- Please complete the 2Do Maths game on finding the ‘place value in 3 digit numbers’ to reinforce what we are doing in class.