"A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone"

My goodness! We have reached yet the end of another busy week here in Year 2 and it has gone so quickly, I don’t think some of the children can quite believe it’s the weekend … AGAIN! Each lesson has been brimmed with new and exciting learning for the children to throw themselves into and I’m still amazed by just how much enthusiasm the children show each day.

RE discussions have been wonderful this week. We began looking at the story of Abraham and how he trusted in God even when he was unsure if it was the right thing to do or not. We thought about the times when we have had to put our trust into others and how this made us feel. Conversations linked with this term’s virtues ‘learned and wise’ have also been thought provoking, with many of the children spotting these qualities in each other.

We have been busy looking at instructions in English this week and had bundles of fun following instructions and making our very own delicious and tasty ham sandwiches to take home with us on Thursday. From the many comments on Friday morning, it sounds as though they were very much enjoyed by all! This then helped us to write the instructions for Mrs Curtis, who although loves cooking, often gets in a jumble when making her own sandwiches at home. We hope our instructions help you Mrs Curtis!


Outstanding forms - Please could you check at home and make sure that you have no outstanding forms lying around. I have many photographs of us making sandwiches but cannot put them on the website until I have everybody’s permission. Thank you.

Let’s Celebrate

Ruby-Lilly, you have been a real ‘Concentrating Cooper Crab’ this week!  From the minute you have walked into the classroom each morning, you have listened carefully to instructions and have shown just what you are capable of in every lesson.  I can’t wait to see what you will achieve by the end of the year – this focus will get you far!

Max, I don’t think I have ever met a more inquisitive learner than you!  Your thirst for knowledge is a joy to behold and you constantly ask questions to find out more.  You show so much enthusiasm in everything you do and spread so many smiles across our classroom.  Never lose your curiosity Max – it is a wonderful quality to have.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly