'It's not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts' Mother Teresa

I cannot believe we are coming to the end of our 4th week- time flies when you are having fun! The children are working so hard, showing great enthusiasm and rising to the challenges Year 3 brings! In RE we have been discussing what is meant by our Christian family and what all our parish has to offer, before starting today to look at the Sacrament of Baptism, which is how we join our Christian family.

In English the children are now starting to show signs of mastering the rule for when to use the determiners a or an before a noun. We have continued our reading of fables to gather content and ideas for our writing and have further developed some key reading skills, such as summarizing main events (we definitely had some resilient Sadie Spiders during this learning as it was quite challenging) and inferring the characters thoughts and feelings. Some of this was developed through role play, where we interviewed the Hare and the Tortoise after their race- some of the children’s tortoise impressions were very funny! The children continue to work hard in their Maths, looking at the place value of digits, reading and writing numbers and exploring the different ways to represent numbers, whilst consistently problem solving and reasoning as they go along. We have had the counters out this week, which the children have used very sensibly and accurately- very impressed!

On Wednesday we started our new dance topic, learning some Latin American- the Cha Cha. The children show great promise, with their rhythm and timing. Once we have had a few more weeks, I am sure they will be able to Cha Cha round the house whilst ‘Strictly’ is on TV!

On Friday 11th October, Year 3 will be embarking on our first school trip of the year to Brockholes. Here we will be starting our Stone Age to Iron Age History topic, where we will be shelter building, hunting and gathering just as the early man did! More information will be posted on the blog next week, but for now we are asking if you could please visit Parent Pay to pay for the cost of this exciting trip which is £15. Many thanks.

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Jacob Osborn for being such a have a go Tommy Turtle! For always being willing to ‘have a go’, take risks and be willing to make mistakes.

Harriet what an resilient Sadie you are! For being such a kind and considerate learning partner. You are such a calming influence, who understands people and encourages them with your kind words and positive attitude.

Important information:

  • Homework is due in on Wednesday please

  • Assembly- Tuesday 19th November