Week Four


Week Four

I can not believe we have just finished week four, we are over half way through this half term already…

I am now able to post some classes photographs, so please do have a look and see what wonderful art our young artists create. I will add more as the permission slips are checked.

In Art…

Reception had great fun painting Autumn leaves, we talked about autumnal colours and why the leaves changed colour and fall from the trees. We learned how to hold a paintbrush correctly, so we don’t get mucky fingers and we can see what we are painting. We each chose what we wanted our leaf to look like and used the colours we wanted. These look beautiful and will be made into a display soon.

Year one experimented to see if we needed a paintbrush to paint with. We tried lolly sticks, paper, feathers and pipe cleaners. Some worked well, others not so good. But we concluded that although a paintbrush was better, we could still paint without a brush.

Year two tried different papers in their drawing session as we were given six different types of paper (post it note, news paper, blue cardboard, printed photocopier paper, tissue and black paper). After sticking them in we drew and wrote on each piece, deciding if it made a suitable work surface. Tissue came out the worst, as it tore easily and post it was the better piece, but we all came to the realisation that the white pages in our book were better than all of these.

Year three listened to the old story of ‘The Hippocrump’, a scary beast that terrified the valley of Ump. After talking about what words and sayings meant, we concentrated on the description of the beast. We drew what we thought he looked like, his whole body and then a close up of this head and facial features.

Year four had a go at observational drawing, a tricky skill to master. We often look at something and draw what we thought we saw, where as we must look carefully over and over and draw what we actually can see. We have these sessions frequently though the year and we see a good progress as the children really do start to look, draw, look, draw.

Year five continued with their Hundertwasser inspired art. Adding an acetate layer we drew over in marker pen and filled the sections with fabulous linear work. We will have ten minutes at the start of next weeks session to complete them as they are looking fantastic.

Art club had their second session. KS1 used clay to make a hand shaped dish, these will be painted in metallic paints next week. KS2 used clay to create a monster pot, making a basic pinch pot and adapting it to resemble their own monster style pot. We will paint these next week.

Blue Peter badges are such fun to get and are worn with such pride. I have a display in the Create room of all the children who have gained their Blue Peter badges, along with my very own. This week Kai in year three came to show me his sports Blue Peter badge. It is fabulous, he is now on the wall. If you would like to join Kai and all the other Blue Peter badge holders, look on the Blue Peter website to apply for yours and bring it to show me and have your photo taken.

Have a restful weekend, hopefully this rain will let up and give the sun a chance to shine, it is trying to.

God bless

Mrs Curtis