Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.'

There are so many moments I have in my job where I can sit back and just beam with pride and happiness. This morning was one of those moments. 160 pupils from our catholic cluster of schools all celebrated mass this morning with a common mission of being the light of Christ in the world. Each school contributed to the mass through readings, prayer, offertory and the lighting of candles during the mass. Following the mass, we all made our way to the parish centre to hear from speakers from Castlerigg Manor in the Lake District. We continued to explore what it means to be the light of the world and used the analogy of the lighthouse who brings light to all. It was a beautiful morning, so prayerful and reverent. Thank you to Erin and Jayden who read so beautifully and to … for lighting our candle. We will continue to explore this throughout the year in our class liturgies and with our cluster schools.

Learning this week has been really full on - exactly like it should be! We started the week with our assembly, looking at the leaders who have gone before us and what we can take from them. We have been exploring our dreams and what we want for our school…let’s hope everyone can dream with us. In maths we have been rounding numbers up to 10,000,000, our heads have been hurting! We finished the week with some really tricky problems where I asked the children to think deeply and to use what they know. We are making some real progress here. In english we have continued to read Skellig. I always manage to finish reading right on a cliffhanger, much to the children’s annoyance. We have explored the themes of the book and birds feature quite heavily, this week in the form of owls. The children have researched owls and what they are like before producing some fantastic information texts on them - I am so proud of them. Have a look at some of them below.

Alongside all of the english and maths we have been doing, we have also been investigating circuits in electricity. We decided what a circuit needed and then, using some equipment, looked at whether we could remember all of the work the children had done in Year 3. Some were more successful that others but we got there in the end.

Next week, we will be making some real progress with Skellig and writing a discussion text about home schooling. Mina, the character in the book, is home schooled and we have already had a discussion about what it is and whether it is the better form of education.

Learning Awards

This week’s first award has to go to Marwa. To be in a country for a few months, and having learnt a little english, to stand up and speak during our assembly was utterly brave. We are so very proud of her and of all the children who are supporting her with her journey at Our Ladys. She is coming on leaps and bounds because of the love the class are giving her.

The next award has gone to Jayden for his reflective piece of writing. He has really thought about the ingredients needed for his writing and ensured that his writing is of top quality. Well done Jayden.


  • Harvest Festival is on Tuesday 15th October…

  • Sporting fixtures are hopefully back to normal next week, please pray for better weather.

  • Parents’ Day appointments will be live soon. I am looking forward to meeting you all properly to discuss how your child has settled into Year 6.

  • We are going to Samlesbury Hall on Thursday 14th November to explore all things Henry VIII and Tudor Britain. The trip is now live on Parent Pay.