Our learning has continued at a fast pace and we have already moved onto the third set of sounds. We have also been busy using our sounds during ’Word time’ by blending the sounds together to hear two letter (VC: Vowel constant eg. at, am, it) words. In Art this week the children have created wonderful paintings of autumn leaves! Mrs Curtis was very impressed with their painting skills. Alongside all of this we have been busy focusing on a new learning character called, Roger Robin, who COOPERATES with others, learning from those around him! After hearing all about Roger’s story the children set off creating their own Roger robin. These are going to create a fantastic display!
Finley has been awarded a Roger Robin certificate for… Making such a wonderful shoulder partner during our class discussions. Miss Neves and I have watched as you kindly ask questions and listen to your partner. Well done Finley.
John Paul has been awarded a Bobby Bee certificate for… Always being such a happy and positive learner. You show great enthusiasm during your learning and always have a wonderful smile on your face! You are always surrounded by others because of your friendly, smiley nature. Thank you John Paul.
Our Phonic sounds this week are:
Set 3 sounds: d, i, n, and o. Please practise forming these at home by using the sound cards provided. We have also continued to spend time practising ‘Fred Talk’. This is our special way of speaking in sounds, for example, s-a-t, s-ea-t, s-w-ee-t-ie-s. Please practise this skill when talking with your child to support them to hear and identify sounds
Next week: We will continue to learn new sounds and hearing these sounds in words.
In maths this week we have introduced the number 2 by, “another one”. We had so much fun getting objects and pairing up with a partner to make 2! Following this we used red and orange cubes to REPRESENT our Numberblocks.
Physical skill of the week:
How long can your child balance on one leg?
In RE this week we listened to the story, ‘Guess how much I love you..’ after which, the children drew all of the people who love them and discussed the ways in which we can show our love for each other. We then thought about God, and how He loves each one of us. The children are enjoying learning the song and sign language for, “There is Someone who knows me”. Hopefully soon they will be able to share this with you at home!
We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend together as a family.
Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley