"Go forth and set the world on fire" St Ignatius of Loyola

We have thrown ourselves into the story of St Ignatius this week, preparing for our assembly next Tuesday. I wont share anymore details as we are looking forward to the performance- see you there. In English this week we explored diary writing and together we wrote St. Ignatius’ diary and then independently we wrote as Llewellyn the Prince in one of our Legends. The children are really keen writers and its so lovely to see! In maths we ordered and compared numbers. We have almost mastered the “greater than” and “less than” signs- we just need to over learn the meaning of ascending and descending. In PE we danced to the end of our story Theseus and the Minotaur. The children were so creative when working together to make monsters! In Rugby we got grubby- but I have to say this is turning out to be a real highlight of the week! Mrs Curtis had nothing but praise for the class and Mrs Mallinson thoroughly enjoyed music. We have explored Purple Mash this week- our new computing platform and in history we pretended to be archaeologists digging in the ruins of a stadium in Olympia- the children had to interpret what they had found! Great week class!

The Growth Mindset certificates went to: Hannah and Jakub


We will be visiting Our Lady of the Assumption on October the 8th- we will be watching the RSC perform “The Merchant of Venice”. We will be travelling by coach during the day and we will arrive back just before the end of the day. The coach fare is £4. Please pay via Parent Pay. Thank you

Our Assembly is next week on Tuesday 1st Oct at 9:10 and 9:30