Homework to be handed in on Thursday 12th September


Reading is the key to all learning! I have set the children reading targets for points (see inside their books) and for time (daily time target). These times have been mutually agreed with your children during our little one to one conferences this week. Please encourage them to read before bedtime independently and of course alongside you - so they maximize their reading time everyday!

Class Councillor

If you would like to stand for class council this year please come to the meeting next Tuesday with a “Short but sweet” message for your class explaining why they should vote for you!


Extra reading here! We were briefly introduced to Homer the Greek writer during one of our lessons, he described the Greeks “like frogs around a pond”. He wrote about Odysseus and his adventures as he tried to return home from the Trojan war. Each child has part of the story (I have the ending). Please read- collecting new vocabulary in your homework book as you go.


We were very rusty this week on our continent knowledge. Please visit this website and game to practice! I will be testing you on:

Names of the the countries and capital cities in the UK

Names of the continents

Names of the major oceans of the world


Please practice your 3 and 6 timestables- I will be dripping these into your lessons over the next couple of weeks

Over the next two weeks find some creative time to decorate your homework book! Make it personal!